Monday, 19 February 2018

Just Clean It!

The korero this week is 'just clean it', as we need to make sure that we are keeping our school tidy and clean. To work on this value, team five completed a rubbish clean up this afternoon and room 4 were in charge of cleaning up the year 4/5 area of the school.

This was a great way to show service to Pt England School and the community and we hope to find lots of new ways to 'just clean it' this term!


  1. Hey there Room 4 Rangers my name is Malachi and i come from Saint Piusx Catholic school i really like the way you are looking after the environment by picking up the rubbish keep up the good great work

  2. Congratulations you have one the most Eco friendly school through my eyes keep up the good work. Maybe just more photos of the action happening next time.

  3. Hi Room 4 Rangers,
    Nice work on cleaning up the environment.
    Keep it up!

  4. Hey Room 4,
    I like how you guys are keeping the environment clean. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!
