Wednesday 10 August 2022

Farewell Rongomatane!

 We have had our fair share of goodbyes this year in Room 4. Our latest went to Rongo, who as a year eight was with our class for two years and will be missed.

However, his goodbye presented us with a great opportunity- to start the compliments project! This is a project where class members take turns to give positive, thoughtful compliments to a student by writing them on the whiteboard behind them. 

This is a great example of what it should look like. The compliments are specific and describe Rongos strengths. 

We hope you have an amazing time at your new school Rongo!

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Mrs Stone and your lovely class. What a great way to farewell our dear Rongo. He has lots to compliment and will be sorely missed. He was also a big part of our after school homework club - Mana Ako Club. We look forward to seeing Rongo in the near future. From MAC we also wish you all the best Rongo. Thanks for sharing this Mrs Stone and Room 4, so many great 'thinking coaches'.
